Are you deciding on getting married or are you already married but you feel you could use some assistance in order to make your marriage stronger, happier, and more fulfilling than it already is or even before it starts? What if you could significantly decrease the chances of non-satisfaction, trouble, pain, hurt, abuse or even divorce  in marriage while you increase your opportunities  for a longer and happier life with your partner? Let us help you to either start your marriage right or acquire skills to make your marriage better. We have professional pre-marital counseling services for you at CPR. Contact us now and enjoy these services.  



This Pre Marital Counselling Programme is a professional integrated family wellness programme developed to equip individuals who desire to have a healthy and functional marriage and a family life.  

The programme uses the distinct CounsMed® Methodology and a Persona Profile Assessment and Diagnostic tools t  bo engage process through:-

The framework of professional pre-marriage counselling- Marriage from Biblical, Individual, Social, Family, Bio-psycho, emotional and Legal point of view

The importance of professional pre-marriage counselling – Medical, Clinical and Psycho-emotional assessments

Self-Awareness- Genogram, Persona and Temperament Profile Clinical Assessment

CounsMed Community pain management and Conflict Severity mode assessment – Lectures on Integral approach to marriage

Functional and Dysfunctional Marriage and Family System –  Professional Assessment of Integral issues and Diagnosis

Phases in Marriage, Life cycle, Love, Romance and Sex therapy

Psycho-emotional, Intra and Interpersonal CounsMed Communication skills

Integral CounsMed cognitive approach in developing listening skills

CounsMed Methodology in Inter-Spousal Conflict Resolution

CounsMed skills in Overcoming disappointment- Living the marriage of your dream and Plan of action

Professional Video clips for topical assessment and therapeutic engagement

What if as a people deciding to marry or in marriage you could by assistance make your marriage stronger, happier and more fulfilling before it even starts or while in the marriage?

What if you could significantly decrease the chance of non-satisfaction, trouble, pain, hurts, abuse and divorce and increase your opportunity for a long, happy life together?

What if you had easy tools to enhance intimacy, reduce conflict, and set the stage for having the marriage of your dreams?

The programme helps to answer all the above questions.

Programme Delivery Model

One on one and Joint Professional Assessment and Counselling, Lectures and Professional Video clips for topical case analysis and therapeutic engagement


This is an eight (8) to ten (10) session to last for three (3) months.

Who should attend

Individuals  seeking to get married

Intake Requirement




Meagleant Hotel

#1 Pantang Hospital Junction

Adenta, Accra

Our hours

08:00 AM – 05.00 PM
Monday – Fiday

Contact us

Phone: +233 244 90 7190