Programme Delivery Model
Participatory approach with the use of scenarios, videos and case study to better enhance the understanding of the individual
One (1) day
Who should attend
Both employees and employers
In the current competitive business world, employee training and development is essential to the success as well as the growth of any organization.
However, the high performance of an individual on the job can be achieved only based on the psycho-emotional wellness of the individual. This clinic & training program, developed by the Centre for Peace and Reconciliation (CPR), is an Integrated Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) designed to equip individuals to manage their work and life cycle, psycho-emotional, intra- and inter-personal conflicts, stress, and crises for balanced wellness. It will be beneficial during active work-life and after retirement.
More than just training, this practical program, and clinic contain resources for changing approach to life, organizational culture, surgically altering the norms that so often cause obstructive behavior and replacing them with constructive, positive behaviors.
No matter how small or large a company may be, psycho-emotional stress, intra and inter-personal conflict is the common denominator for poor quality work output and lack of productivity among employees even if they have the hardcore skills normally required to complete a task.
However, this is largely left undiagnosed; and organizations, therefore, fail to associate this low productivity with the psycho-emotional health of employees. It only takes a few overly stressed employees in conflict to wreak havoc on a company’s overall workplace morale and goals.
The program uses our distinct CounsMed Methodology and the Arno Profile System (APS), which is a Persona Profile Assessment and Diagnostic tool. The clinic serves as a coaching session during which the individuals are provided insight into their intra-personal needs and conflicts for the appropriate approach in resolution to further boost their performance.
It is time to grow, develop and realize your potential. Talk to us let’s help you overcome all your psycho-emotional conflicts.
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