Program Delivery Model: Participatory approach with video demonstrations
Duration: A three-day course
Who should attend: Organisational Heads, HR Executives, the Clergy, Traditional Rulers, Politicians, Managers etc.
Every conflict is started by two people’
Handling dispute and conflict in any human institution including the home, family, community, work or religious group is the bane of every individual particularly, leaders.
The knowledge, competencies and skills in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), has proven to be more effective and peaceful than the traditional court trials in resolving conflicts and disputes. ADR is a cost-effective and time-saving problem-solving programme and a skill in high demand globally.
Using our patented and world acclaimed popular brand, the distinct integrated CounsMed® methodology, Centre for Peace and Reconciliation, a leading institution in conflict mediation and training is encouraging leaders to take part in the Leadership Alternative Dispute and Conflict Resolution (ADCR) – Foundation level. Our training programme will improve your leadership competency to a cutting edge.
Every modern organisational leader knows that the controlling and coercive management style of yesteryear no longer works.
Demographic and economic changes now require that leaders not only settle differences among themselves and families but help them settle differences with each other in the family, groups, organisation and in the workplace environment and beyond.
Unfortunately, many leadership programmes fail to indicate to leaders on how to professionally mediate between members and resolve conflicts at the workplace.
Current trends of human relationship challenges flatter hierarchies, teams and quality of service. Multiple responsibilities are however intensifying the interdependency among individuals at the workplace, among families, communities and our entire society.
Most organisations inadequately equip their staff, as they lack the relevant knowledge, skills and ability, to effectively negotiate and settle interdependent differences and family relationships in these challenging times.
A core element in this level of Leadership Training Alternative Dispute and Conflict Resolution is to put the tools of the professional mediator into the hands of leaders to develop their competencies in building a better workplace and family relationships; enhance commitment and performance; improve the lifestyle of people, and cut the unnecessary financial and emotional costs of conflict.
At the end of the training you will know how to use a simple yet powerful communication tool and instruments to manage the differences that impair teamwork, quality decision-making, and cooperation throughout the workplace.
However, more than just training, this practical program offers resources for changing organizational culture, surgically altering the norms that so often cause obstructive behaviour and replacing them with constructive, positive behaviours.
A core element in Self-as-Mediator training puts the relevant tools of the professional mediator in the hands of Leaders, to build better workplace environment. It is an essential component of every successful organisation’s leadership strategic effort.
This is a practical tool for the prevention and early resolution of the conflict in the organization and other social settings.
It is time to grow, develop and realize your potential. Talk to us let’s help you overcome all your psycho-emotional conflicts.
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